100+ Best History Dissertation Topics & Ideas for UK University Students

30 Sep, 2024
Author : Vipul Jain

History itself is a subject and choosing a history-related dissertation topic is the toughest. This is because history is not a small part of the world but it has so many areas to be studied. Not only this, but history is very complicated and this can end up discouraging the students.  Students can choose dissertation help to get tips on how to write an assignment.

Dissertation writing is very important and also it is a long piece of writing and shows what the student has gained from the university. By choosing a good history dissertation topic, the students can show their historical expertise. They can represent how they collect, analyze, and use historical data. If students write good history dissertations, they can help build a secure and successful history career ahead.

How to Choose the Perfect History Dissertation Topic?

For writing a history dissertation, students need to choose the perfect history dissertation topic. There are certain things students need to keep in mind while looking for a good dissertation. A history dissertation topic selection involves originality, relevancy, and feasibility. Get online assignment in UK to write easily. The topic should be easy to write on and manageable as well. Choose a topic that has not been studied very much and also that has a lot of historical resources and events to cover. The points to keep in mind while choosing the topic are:

  • The topic you are choosing should be interesting and you should be passionate about it so that it can keep you motivated.

  • The topic should be original and specific and can give you fresh viewpoints of the history.

  • The research should be practical and the primary and secondary sources should be accessible.

  • The topic should reflect how it is related to the current research and the historical gaps.

  • To confirm the research topic, discuss it with mentors and instructors for finalizing the topic. Also, as a student, I can safely pay someone to do my assignment online or dissertation in the UK.

Key Criteria for Selecting a History Dissertation Topic

The criteria for selecting a dissertation topic for history should be clear as the subject itself is not very easy to write about. Although it is a tough process to select a dissertation topic if chosen correctly it can be rewarding as well. The criteria for selecting a dissertation topic are:

1. Interest:

The topic you choose for writing your history dissertation should be interesting and engaging as after a certain point you won’t be able to write about it as you are not interested in the topic. To write perfectly from the beginning to the end, make sure you choose a topic of your interest. Get a dissertation helper to get good ideas.

2. Expertise:

The person writing the dissertation should have expertise in the subject otherwise it can be tough to write about a subject that you know nothing about or know little information about it. With interest in the topic, there should be expertise as well to write smoothly without getting stuck somewhere.

3. Data Availability:

A topic should have data available to write from. The dissertation is made of the available data about the topic in books, journals, the internet, or anywhere else. Without proper data availability, it becomes tough to find sources and use them in the dissertation to make it meaningful. To write dissertations data is important.

4. Relevant:

The topic should be relevant to the history and not just vague. Relevancy matters a lot in writing a dissertation. The topic should be relevant to the current research and discussions of history. Choosing an irrelevant topic won’t make a successful dissertation.

5. Ethical:

The topic should be ethical and original and not unethical or false. The research on the topic for writing a good dissertation should be right. Whatever data is used in the dissertation should be ethical and for that, you need to choose a topic that exists and should be correct. Get UK thesis help for ethical data.

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Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a History Dissertation Topic

The process of choosing dissertation topics in history includes many steps and sometimes we end up making mistakes as well. The selection of a wrong topic can put you in a problem in the later dissertation writing process. However, the mistakes that we might make can be avoided too. The common mistakes to avoid while choosing a topic are:

1. Creating a Too-Narrow or Broad Research Topic

This is a mistake that most of the students make when they select or develop their history dissertation topics. This can lead you to end up with a small amount of data for the research or too much information. So the topic should be perfect and manageable. Writing my dissertation is easy with manageable topics.

2. Conducting Shallow Research

Sometimes, we choose dissertation topics in history too early without doing good research about the subject. However, choosing a good topic includes a good amount of research on the topic, and with a literature review, you will know if you should choose the topic or not.

3. Choosing a Topic with No Interest

Sometimes students choose a research topic that they find easy and on which they can get access to information easily. However, later on, they don’t want to write more about it. This happens when the topic is not of interest. With a thesis helper choose a good topic.

4. No Consultation While Topic Selection

Students choose a dissertation topic on their own without consulting other people or parties. They realize it later when they have already started writing the dissertation. Always, ask your instructors for the feedback on topic.

5. Not Taking Care of Time Limit

Students when developing a research topic, know how the final results are going to be. The topic will decide how much time the dissertation writing will take. The time left for writing on the topic will let you know how much in-depth research paper you will create. Thesis writing services can help manage time.

Popular Historical Periods for Dissertation Topics

History is as vast and old as humans. Here’s a list of history dissertation topics based on different historical periods:

Ancient History Dissertation Topics

Here are history dissertation examples:

  • Ancient Civilizations: The Maya Empire.

  • Role of Women and Gender in the Ancient World.

  • Greek City-States.

  • Ancient Eastern Thought and the Old Testament.

  • Julius Caesar and his Role in Rome.

  • Poets and their Roles in Ancient Greece.

  • Mesopotamian Civilization

  • Ancient Greek Olympics

  • Ancient Warfare and Violence in Ancient Times.

  • Ancient Greece and Egypt Burial Rituals.

  • Roman Empire Dissolution.

  • Geographical Impacts on Ancient Culture

  • Art and its effects on Classical Societies.

  • The Invention and Impact of Papyrus on the World

  • Stone Age Period and its Evolution

Medieval History Dissertation Ideas

Get reliable dissertation writing help to write about these and history dissertation examples:

  • Medieval Period and Culture Exchange

  • Rome’s cultural transformation and Middle Ages.

  • Development of feudalism and Manorialism

  • Black Death and the Catholic Church

  • Muslims and Jews in Medieval Spain

  • Roman Age and the London

  • First Crusade and its Causes

  • 12th Century Renaissance

  • Business and Empire

  • The Church and the Middle Ages

  • Medieval Siege Warfare

  • Hindu and Muslim women in the Medieval Age

  • The Failure of Crusades

  • Japanese Developments

  • Context of Byzantine Iconoclasm

Modern History Dissertation Topics

Here are British history dissertation topics:

  • World History and Global Culture

  • 19th Century and Nationalism

  • Mussolini and Seizing Italian Power

  • Renaissance Paintings and Religious Symbolism

  • Revolution of Industries and Western Civilizations

  • Principles of Liberalism

  • Topography of Ireland and its History

  • Mental Treatment and Its Moral Treatment

  • Cuban History Revolution

  • Abraham Lincoln’s Influence

  • Spanish War and Women's Role

  • Colonization of America by European Countries

  • French Revolution

  • Coco Chanel and Fashion History

  • Russian Working Class Movement

Regional Focus Areas for Dissertation Topics in History

The best online dissertation helper can help write on anything. Different regions have different histories in the world. Here’s a list of history dissertation topics based on regional focus:

American History Dissertation Topics

  • Hollywood History and California

  • America’s Migration History

  • The relationship of Native Americans and Settlers

  • Slavery in the US

  • America and the Civil War Causes

  • What is the Literal Meaning of a Cowboy?

  • The US Military Experience

  • The year 1890s and the Depression

  • Has the Obama President's ship transformed the US?

  • Post-Civil War Construction

  • American-Spanish War

  • The Written Declaration of Independence

  • Role of Racism

  • Drug Use and Abuse in America

  • USA Constitution Crisis

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European History Dissertation Topics

Get the best tips for writing university assignments with assignment help services. Here are the British history dissertation topics:

  • Discovery of Europe

  • Impacts of British Colonization

  • World War II and Nationalism

  • World War I and the Effects of the Industrial Revolution

  • The Rise and Fall of Napoleon

  • The Nazi Propaganda

  • IRA Evolution

  • Invasion of Russia 

  • Effects of the Industrial Revolution on Gender Roles

  • European Witchcraft

  • French Revolution

  • Journey of Columbus

  • History of Feudalism

  • European Countries and Cold War Consequences

  • Early Modern England

Indian History Dissertation Topics

These research questions for the dissertation are great to start with.

  • Indian Castes and their History

  • Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi

  • XVII Century and Indian Political Conflicts

  • World War I and the Impact of British Policies on India

  • Indians Against the British Rule

  • Origin and Course of the Indian Revolt of 1857

  • Partition and its Issues

  • India Since 1900

  • Women of Hinduism and Buddhism

  • British East India Company

Thematic Approaches for Dissertation Topics in History

The researchers work in four historically organized groups with different themes, such as here are undergraduate history dissertation examples:

1. Urban Governance, Society, and Culture

These themes examine how the political, economic, religious, and cultural institutions worked in shaping social relations between urban classes, genders, religious, and ethnic communities. Using a research paper writing service you can write on these.

2. Globalizing and Identity Formation

This research theme focuses on the examination of the historical origins of identity construction in a world that is interconnected by the political, social, and cultural aspects. This highlights international interactions and cultural exchange mechanisms.

3. Public Discontents

This examines the early signs of widespread dissatisfaction, emotions becoming unrest, and the ability of social and political groups to manage or influence the dissatisfaction.

4. Society and Conflicts

Here, the responses of the societies are examined when there is a presence of violence in national, international, and other contexts. These topics are the reasons to seek master dissertation help.

Time-Specific Dissertation Topics

Time-specific history dissertation topics are those topics where great events took place in history in specific years and dates. 


  • What was the role of women in the French Revolution?

  • Is the French nobility responsible for destroying the ancient regime?

  • What problems in France caused the rise of Napoleon?

  • History of the French Revolution

  • Reform and Rebellion


  • Labor Movement

  • Industrial and French Revolutions

  • Impact of Industrialization

  • Importance and Significance of Industrialization

  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Online dissertations help improve my academic research. Also, these are undergraduate history dissertation examples.

Niche History Dissertation Topics for In-Depth Research

Here’s a list of cultural dissertation topics for in-depth research:

  • The positive consequences that the great depression had.

  • Cultural History

  • World War II

  • Cold War

  • American Civil War

  • Ancient Civilizations

  • Modern History

  • Social Relationships in Medieval Europe

  • German War Strategies

  • Near Eastern Civilizations Analysis

Resources and Research Tools for UK History Students

Get help for Dissertation UK from online assignment help services. The students in the UK can use various resources and research tools available to them in different formats. Here’s a list of some valuable sources to get sources from for writing dissertations:

Online Websites:

Multiple online websites are there for resources to use in your dissertations. These websites help a lot to the students in writing and collecting dissertation data.


Many books offer valuable information that we need to write in the dissertations. These books provide the required information for the dissertation with trustworthy sources.


News articles can provide the best dissertation sources to use. Now or earlier there is always news present in the world that can be used to put valuable information in our dissertation. The benefits of online assignment help can help with sources.


Libraries are great places to get your resources from. Libraries have the best books, journals, and novels to get the best information and data from. They are ethical places with real and factual books.


The historical monuments and museums provide a lot of data and resources to write about. Architectural and cultural preservation in museums are great sources of data.

Online Courses:

Research tools can be acquired with the help of online courses. These courses help you know many things about your research topics and subjects which makes it easier for you to write about them.

How to Structure a History Dissertation

To write a good assignment without plagiarism or a dissertation without plagiarism, use assignment help. Structuring your history dissertation means how you can present the historical data and facts in your writing in the best possible way. It should be logical accurate and easy to understand and read by the readers.

The structure of a history dissertation can be planned this way:

1. Title Page

The title page usually involves all the important information about the research and your work. It includes your name, document type, and dissertation topic. The history dissertation title is important as the writer will see that first.

2. Acknowledgements

This is the part where you will address and write the names of people who have helped you complete your dissertation in any way. With an online assignment helper, you can write effortlessly.

3. Declaration

This is the space where you will declare that everything written in this research paper is original and the research is conducted by you. 

4. Table of Contents

Here the list of all the contents of the dissertation is written. It gives a brief structure of the dissertation or research paper.

5. Abstract

This is the space where a summary of the dissertation is given. Here the question should be given, the summary should be given, and all the importance of the dissertation should be addressed. All the methods used are written here. The advantages of hiring assignment writers are multiple.

6. Introduction

Here the dissertation topic and research introduction are given. 

7. Literature Review

Here the literature review is given. The chapter reviews and literature that have been made on the subject of research. Also, discuss the weaknesses and strengths of your research.

8. Methodology

Here all the methods used in the research and techniques are mentioned. Here the code of conduct, data collection methods, research limitations, and ethical considerations are written.

9. Results

Whatever you found through your research should be mentioned in this section of the research paper.

10. Conclusion

A conclusion and all the discussion of the research is done in this section. The link between the results and the evidence is discussed here. Choose the best online dissertation helper to write a good conclusion.

11. References

Here the list of sources and references used is given. All the quoted and mentioned materials are written here. To cite references correctly, check your institute’s guidelines.

12. Bibliography

It is similar to the reference section but the difference is that, here all the non-mentioned sources are also written.

13. Appendices

All the unnecessary information or supplementary information is written here. It includes diagrams, pictures, and graphs.


The above blog tells about the history dissertation topics that students with history subjects might require. Different times, regions, ages, and countries have different histories to look at. These historical dissertation topics require a lot of research and data to support the evidence and facts used in the research papers. Also, with dissertation help everything becomes easy. The online dissertation writing services work best and can be hired for writing on the perfect history dissertation topics.

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Frequently asked questions

Here’s a list of popular history dissertation topics in the UK: 1. Rise of Napoleon and his fall 2. Nationalism and World War II 3. Patenting during the Industrial Revolution 4. The Historical influence of Abraham Lincoln.

The national center of the UK's history is the IHR. Here the resources are created and produced to felicitate new research by the historians. An assignment writer can help get the best resources.

The history dissertation topic should be original and special and most importantly it should be of interest. The topic should provide all the resources and data easily to write on.

For a good history dissertation, it is important to use precise methods, critical analysis, and good narration. Time management should be kept in mind as well.

History is a tough subject to write a dissertation on but it is also a good subject to write on. The history is vast and there’s a lot of scope for research and there are gaps that the authors and researchers can fill with their research. To write a dissertation take the help of online dissertation help.

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Hi, I am the founder of Workingment, an academic writing services. I have contributed my writing skills and experience with my experts to the UK students to get higher grades. My goal is to help those students who have been facing many type of challenges while writing their writing project.

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