PUBH6206 Health Promotion and Community Health Assessment 2 Brief | Torrens University Australia

Published: 25 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Nursing
University Torrens University Australia Module Title PUBH6206 Health Promotion and Community Health

Assessment Brief

Context Public

Health promotion programs are designed to improve the health of their target community/population. Effective public health promotion programs are the cornerstone of good population health. The success of these programs depends upon multiple factors, such as understanding the target community, assessing the needs of that community, and applying the knowledge of the needs assessment of the given community. These skills are essential for public health professionals to develop effective and sustainable programs in their chosen field. This assessment will allow students to plan a health promotion program in an area of their interest by applying their knowledge of community public health, community engagement and application of health promotion theories and frameworks.

Task Summary

Students are required to write a health promotion program plan of 2000 words (+/- 10%) in length. Students are required to follow the instructions on how to develop their plan. You will be provided with a list of communities/population groups and health issues by your Learning Facilitator. You are required to choose one of the health issues and community/population groups to develop a specific health promotion plan. Support your point of view with credible information sources. 

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  • Choose one community/population group and one health issue from the list provided by your Learning Facilitator.
  • Identify the social determinants of the selected health issue in the chosen community/population (such as age, gender, culture, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status), the burden of disease and the significant impacts on the health of the chosen community/population. 
  • Assess the community needs based on identified social determinants of health within the context of the chosen community/population and selected health issue.
  • Propose a health promotion program plan to be implemented in the chosen community to address the selected health issues. You are required to apply the theory and conceptual framework of health promotion at an appropriate level(s)- primary, secondary or tertiary level.
  • Develop a health promotion plan by applying one or more of the Ottawa Charter strategies as a framework for your program based on the needs and context of the chosen community. 
  • You are required to explain the stages of program development.
  • Explain how your program will be monitored and evaluated.
  • Critically explain the timeframe and milestones of your program by using a Gantt chart. Provide at least 10 references to support your assessment, 
  • using the APA 7th edition referencing style.

Learning Outcomes

This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:

  • Critically analyse health promotion principles theories at the level of prevention.
  • Apply the principles of the Ottawa Charter to develop health promotion interventions in diverse communities.
  • Apply health promotion principles, theoretical frameworks, and strategies to health promotion intervention for diverse communities.
  • Critically analyse the concepts of community capacity building and empowerment within health promotion interventions

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