LD7026 MSc Web and Mobile Technology Assignment- Level 7, Northumbria University

Published: 10 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Computer Science
University Northumbria University Module Title LD7026 Mobile App Development

Instructions on Assessment:

The module will be assessed by producing a 3000-word INDIVDUAL report analysing an organisational case study, demonstrating practical skills to design and develop a mobile application on Android or any other hybrid framework.
The report should include walk through snippets to demonstrate evidence of practical work, such as visuals and models created using suitable tools. You will also provide self-reflective commentary on practical tasks carried out.

Module Specific Assessment Criteria and Rubric

You are supposed to design an eHotelManager Application. App could be used by hotel staff and customers in the UK. eHotelManager, purposedly is used to book rooms after doing payment online by customers, they can raise complaints in the app, note this is not for guest users, but the guest users can view the availability of rooms, once they want to book, the app should ask them to register/login first.

eHotelManager, used by the staff to 
1.    Update the status of rooms from status (Available, Cleaning, Do Not Disturb)
2.    Customer complaints

Apart from the application, it includes an admin panel for the staff login only, to view status of payments, no of rooms, information of customers.

Some good points to start, before making the application.
1.    Benefit for customers/staff
2.    Effective workload distribution
3.    Brand awareness
4.    Online payment


Part 1: Research
Critical assessment of mobile communication technologies including 5G. Compare and contrast the Android framework with other development platforms and critically evaluate the features of different Android Flavors

Part 2: Application Design
Create your application design using the Storyboard technique and critically evaluate its key stages to improve the user navigation experience.

Evidence that full and complete functional wireframes are completed.

Part 3: Development

Develop your application supporting your wireframes, the application must be accepting user inputs, card validations.
Your code should be running successfully. It should meet all specifications given in the requirement above.
Provide code snippets, to justify the use of classes, interfaces, choice of methods. The code should be efficient without sacrificing readability and understanding. 

Part 4: Deployment and Presentation
Critically evaluate the steps to successfully upload the application on Google play and demonstrate that the application is live.
Overall presentation, clear structure, appropriate language, proper use of in-text citation and Harvard referencing styles 

Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives

1. Demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals and theories of mobile communication technologies.
2. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and critical evaluation of contemporary development tools, platforms and techniques enabling development of mobile apps for specific business requirements.
3. Critically evaluate complex design issues both systematically and creatively and employ appropriate decision making to design a robust mobile application.
4. Develop and test an optimised mobile application using Android development environment and publish app on Google Play.
5. Critically appraise social, ethical and accessibility considerations in mobile application design solution. 

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