How to Write a Coursework: Step-by-step Guide
There is no degree for any student without them going through coursework, as this is the basic step for checking how you ...
A Level of English Language coursework gives students an interesting chance to study the complexities of language in various contexts. Compared with GCSE students, A-level English students look at spoken language, dialects, linguistic change, and even how language affects identity, whereas GCSE students focus mostly on written texts. Since this is a class that requires independent research, students can choose subjects that interest them like studying gender disparities in language and media, representations or how technology affects communication. The NEA forms an integral part of the coursework and involves students gathering and examining linguistic evidence to respond to their research questions.
Through innovative writing assignments, A-level English Language coursework fosters creativity in addition to analytical abilities. Students can practice with different writing genres and techniques to enhance their abilities to write gripping stories opinion pieces, or journalistic articles. Under prescribed coursework rules the students need to adhere to, such as formatting, editing and word count, they must ensure that their work correctly represents their viewpoint and is presented in the appropriate format. Other than this blog you can even seek guidance from professionals who provide coursework help, as they can guide you in a better way.
Students are enhanced with more knowledge of how communication between society, how radio presenters engage with the audience, and how language changes. By working with language problems using real-world language, students are stimulated to analyze language and develop critical thinking and writing skills which are important to future academic achievement and professional work life.
Across a growing number of students fascinated by how we communicate and interact with others in different contexts, A Level English Language has become a popular and academically prestigious qualification in recent years. The English Language is a great path to university for most subjects combining the social sciences, humanities and creative subjects with the need to do a forensic study of text, transcript and even multi-modal forms like messages. They are equally encouraged to produce original material for their writing in many different styles and genres. The preparatory Level course lends itself to being the material that budding journalists start with when first starting on articles and the surge in the number of students who now take separate or combined English Language/Linguistics courses in universities figures as proof of their engagement with the course.
Students wishing to pass A-Level English Language as an AQA or OCR exam board have to carry out an independent investigation. This is called an ‘NEA’ (stands for ‘non-exam assessment’). Learning how to improve your academic writing will help you get good grades in this NEA.
Two pieces of NEA need to be done by students. Nevertheless, it can be viewed as the primary one. It uses the language topic that the student can choose for the AQA exam board, whereby the student needs to research this.
Linguistic data will have to be collected and analysed by students, and they will answer questions they have fabricated themselves about this topic. They bring all of their data in a report and limit the words to a maximum of 2,000 words.
For original Writing Pieces, there is a little creative licence with your font style/size/layout. But please make sure that this is legible and has sufficient space for marking your work. We recommend the following:
12-point font.
1.5 cm spacing.
Times New Roman font or similar.
Before submitting your original writing pieces to your lecturer, you should be sure you have covered the below points.
Very careful proofreading is required! If you are not habitual of doing of doing proofreading it is said that you can take guidance from professional proofreading services.
The names of the original writing pieces are marked at the start of each writing.
Line numbers on both original writing pieces.
The original writing piece has a title at the top.
Cumulative word count at the bottom of each page of each original writing piece.
Final word count at the bottom of the final page of each original writing piece.
Here are some of the great ideas for your English Language A level coursework, that will help you in scoring good grades. Here you also have some of the ideas from different fields as well, if you are interested in those fields you can select those ideas as well. In case you are struggling even after going through all these ideas in finding a perfect one for yourself you can request "do my coursework" from expert coursework helpers.
To investigate how, over time, media articles have portrayed COVID-19 compared to any other plagues that have struck us in the past.
This question serves as a means of seeing the development of perspectives on the illnesses. One could find out if such language was more scaremongering in the past or now and which linguistic strategies are used to influence the readers to think the way that the writer wants them to. This also lets the examiner know that you are engaged with real-world problems.
An attempt to ascertain how news presenters linguistically handle the reporting of positive and negative news.
By going through this question, you can explore a wide range of language features, from the tone and prosody of presenters delivering news. Alternatively, you may study the ways that men and women use language in different ways as presenters. When it comes to gender, however, make sure to get the most up-to-date research! Examiners do not want to just see that evidence which was carried out due to research years ago.
To investigate how language is used by Formula One commentators when they comment on different drivers.
Usually, commentators from the formula one seem biased. However, once you have made a transcript, you might discover that this isn’t so! There'd be a possibility to investigate why they might have done this to gain those extra AO3 marks. Therefore, you want to do your best for A03 since it contributes the most number of marks. This may be the question if your interest is cars!
The change in the use of language to describe women’s bodies in UK magazines is investigated.
Body positivity is a huge hot topic, as it is something that is increasing. This is why you could compare how magazines demonize and promote thin women’s bodies but now the magazines embrace natural women. Another way would be to explore how this could change how it empowers women and how this language is the beginning of an even bigger movement. You will be shown to be open-minded by the examiner.
In such ideas, you should have the guidance of a professional, so you should stay in touch with your tutor or any senior, and in case you do not have any of them, then you can rely on assignment writing services, as even they have experts who can help you with your coursework,
We investigate the same subject area, with different year groups, of the linguistic strategies in use by teachers in that subject area.
Hopefully, because you are probably doing your A Level at school, this question will collect a lot of data for you. You can find this question and others on this page of the AQA website. One thing you could look into is how teachers use their language to potentially also control their students. This could be interesting as it will depend on the different year groups and allow you to comment on the context once more.
A study on dialect usage by radio show hosts to connect with their listeners.
It has been noted that many students use song lyrics as part of their NEA research. Examining publications have, however, noted the challenge of this concept. Students may not receive the best grades if they decide to analyze music lyrics.
Analyzing radio show presenters' language, however, might be intriguing if you have a musical interest because you might concentrate on how their listeners affect their language. Maybe you may contrast hosts of several radio shows who represent various geographical areas.
An examination of the language tactics game show judges employ to scare the competitors.
Once more, the question centres on power, which is one of the primary topics covered in the A-Level English Language. Comparing the methods of various judges and observing how they employ language to achieve particular goals could be intriguing.
If you know English language techniques you will be better than most students, and this will make sure that you achieve good grades as you will have perfect knowledge of when and what words to use.
Examine the notion that certain dialects and accents are perceived more favourably than others.
Examine the notion that dialects and accents are becoming more similar in the UK.
Examine the notion that the English language is evolving and split into numerous varieties.
Examine the notion that a person's language usage is influenced by their background.
"Young people usually have different dialects and accents than the older generation." Examine this concept in light of particular instances.
Examine the notion that a person's language is influenced by the social group they belong to.
Examine the notion that the language of various social groupings is largely intended to keep out outsiders.
Assess the notion that an individual's language usage is entirely dictated by the social groups to which they belong.
Examine the claim that slang makes people feel more accepted.
Examine the claim that teens have the greatest impact on spoken language development.
A suggestion before you start with your coursework it is suggested that you learn tips that should be kept in mind before writing assignments, as these tips will help you in understanding what needs to be done.
Examine the notion that misunderstanding is a defining feature of verbal encounters between women and men.
Assess the extent to which gender influences language use using your pertinent language study concepts.
Examine the notion that women's language is not as strong as men's.
Examine the notion that the English language is biased against women.
Examine and assess how individuals in positions of power use language to sway others.
Assess the extent to which a person's work may influence their language. You should address ideas and problems from language study in your response.
Talk about the ways that verbal encounters might cause people to challenge one another's authority.
Utilizing your understanding and research on language change, assess the claims that social media and technology are altering language.
Examine how technology impacts language use in-depth, making use of your pertinent language study concepts.
Analyze how radio and television have influenced the evolution of the English language.
Language Shift
Examine how the English language and its usage have evolved since the middle of the 20th century.
Examine the notion that language change is manageable and guided.
Assess the extent to which technology has altered the English language.
Assess the extent to which globalization has impacted the evolution of the English language.
If you are selecting any idea among these fields, it is suggested that you finalise an idea and start researching that topic as these topics need a detailed explanation. You can do the research part when thinking about what to do when bored in class so that you can utilize that time and have enough time for other things.
Acquisition of Language in Children
"The most significant factor influencing a child's language development is interaction with caregivers." Examine this theory of language development in youngsters.
"The growth of literacy depends on the involvement of the teacher." Examine this theory of language development in youngsters.
"The human brain is equipped with a language acquisition device. It would be impossible to learn a language without this gadget.
Examine this perspective on the linguistic development of children.
"A vital component of a child's language development is reading." Examine this theory of language development in youngsters.
"The development of language depends on child-directed speech." Examine this theory of language development in youngsters.
Opinion Pieces
Compose a piece of writing in which you address the problems associated with people altering their accents. You should identify your target audience before you start writing.
Compose an opinion piece in which you address the problems with assertions that men and women use language differently. You should identify your target audience before you start writing your essay.
Compose an article about language and occupation-related issues. You should identify your target audience before you start writing your essay.
Write an article discussing the problems of child-directed speaking. You should identify your target audience before you start writing your essay.
Write a piece discussing the problems associated with language shift. You should identify your target audience before you start writing your essay.
The English Language Beyond A Level Topics Overview provides a concise synopsis of the course and highlights the key distinctions from GCSE, making it ideal for the first few lessons of A Level English. Our English Language A Level Topics Overview serves as the ideal "introduction to" A Level English Language, guiding newcomers to the course through every facet of the curriculum.
Linguistic analysis, language variation, language change, and language learning are the primary topics covered in English language A-level courses.
What are the primary distinctions between English language proficiency at the GCSE and A levels? The GCSE English Language course examines how authors employ language to convey their thoughts and viewpoints while engrossing and captivating their audience. Selecting linguistic elements that a writer employs in fiction or non-fiction and analyzing how they contribute to effects and audience influence is the task at hand.
These abilities will be strengthened at the A-Level when you study language in a greater range of circumstances and a much more comprehensive manner. The following topics are covered in A-Level English Language:
How people use written and spoken English
How English has evolved
The various English dialects and accents ·
How our origin and identity affect the words we use
How do kids pick up the language?
Researching an area of English that interests you is another benefit of doing the A-Level English Language course. Do not think you are alone in this and cannot get help from anyone, wherever you get stuck you can simply ask for help from an expert assignment helper, as they are habitual of writing such things and have good years of experience that makes them professional helpers.
This is not an obligatory academic subject, it is an A Level English Language and allows students to go further and see how this language is changing and how it is changing, society. This allows students to have the chance to learn solid knowledge about linguistic patterns, communication techniques, and the impact of cultural influence on language use. While this coursework does have the direct effect of pushing students to think critically, it also reinforces students’ writing and analytical skills, which are essential to both future employment and later education and pursuit of higher education.
It is researching subjects like gender inequality in speech, workplace language, and things that are going on in the world, so there are things that students can interact with what is going on in the world and prepare for real situations. The rules programs introduced the planned part of the coursework, it rules programs students for the rigours of research at the university level in an understandable and sophistical way.
Finally, students of A-Level English Language are better educated regarding what language is capable of expressing. There is a sky’s the limit in these abilities' eventual fate and whichever way they end up, these abilities will be useful as they have acquired this course. This is not a task across the table by language and communication, but a study in a field of the curious and wonderful world of language and communication.
Language in Action is 100 marks in total (20% of A-level coursework). To fulfil the submission requirements of this unit you will be required to produce a language investigation (2,000 words excluding data) and original writing and commentary (1,500 words total).
Universities across the country are keen on the study skills that English Language A Level fosters, at the degree level, such as independent research, data manipulation, evaluative writing and accurate, fluent prose.
It is important to have advanced grammar skills if you want to attain an A or A* in English Language. Thus in order to develop these skills it is important to: Revise clauses so you can identify main components of a sentence and the structure of the language. The use of words in combination creates meaning in sentences and thus consists of analyzing syntax.
Completing 4 A levels will tell them that you can handle lots of work and a lot of work will be done, they do not need 4. Even doing an AS level or EPQ would save you the effort. But these still are likely to help you stand out but not risk the other subject grades.
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