Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Research

26 Aug, 2024
Author : Vipul Jain

Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary research is important before you choose it for any kind of research. Mainly, this type of research is used by any university student in Assignment, Dissertation, and Thesis. This article will further discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of secondary research, as it gives a clear image of the complete topic, and it gives a better idea of where one must use secondary research to make a thesis better.

What is Secondary Research?

What is Secondary Research

Before moving towards understanding the advantages and disadvantages of secondary research, let’s get an overview of what is Secondary research, Secondary research or we can also call it “Desk Research”, basically secondary research can be understood by its name, as secondary defined using the research which is already been published by another person. Lots of thesis and dissertation getting done by Dissertation Helper using secondary research.

Secondary research is never first-hand research, already collected, analyzed, and published data or information is considered secondary research. To write assignment's first page even, we need to know how to do research.

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Here are two types of research (Primary and Secondary Research) that have the same two types of sources for collecting the information: internal and other is External. In the case of secondary research, internal sources are found within the industry or company only, for example, previously recorded data of a company, previous Annual year reports, and external sources, these sources are found in the external world, Government databases, online published articles, and news published articles. 

In the UK, students who are pursuing graduation or post-graduation search for the disadvantages and advantages of secondary sources, but somehow students can’t do the research because of a lack of research problems, therefore they opt for Assignment Writing Services in UK.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Research

In the table, we provide all the advantages and disadvantages of secondary research. In the academic journey students, they need to complete the assignments, and dissertations on time. Therefore they should know how to write references in a dissertation, this shows the main source where you got the information for the particular topic you write.

Here are some points that explain the advantages and disadvantages of secondary research. 

Advantages of Secondary research

Disadvantages of Secondary research 

  • Cost-Effective 

One of the most important features and advantages of secondary research is that it is cost-effective. It uses very low cost in comparison to primary research, as it involves surveys, face-to-face interviews, and questionnaires. Whereas, in the case of secondary research there is no such issue, no cost or very low cost is required for secondary research. That helps when there is a limitation over the budget of research, then Secondary research is considered best for use. Dissertation Costs also matter, by using secondary research you pay less.

  • Lack of Specification 

One of the major drawbacks of secondary research is that it lacks specification of the information that we require. In secondary research, we might not get the exact specific information that we require for our research. In that case, a student might opt to do my dissertation for me in the UK.

We might get information somewhat related to our research but not exactly all the time. 

  • Time Effective

Another advantage of secondary research is that it is time-effective, while opting for secondary research you don’t have to spend a lot of your time researching the topic, you might find all the relevant information already available to you in the form of published articles, News, government official data, and online database. 

  • Out-Dated Data 

One of the major disadvantages of secondary research is that the data you may find could be outdated. For Example, You get your International Business Thesis Topic, and you can’t find any new data. So you can’t trust secondary research to get completely new and updated information, as the information you might require is outdated and of no use to the researcher. For example: Someone wants to know the population of a particular area, but on government official data, the population census was done 5 years ago, so it won’t give you updated information. 

  • Opportunity To Get Vast Information 

Secondary research benefits you by providing a wide range of information regarding your MBA dissertation topic, whenever you research a topic using secondary research it provides you with vast information that might be related to your topic, which gives exposure to the topic and provides you with variety of information regarding the field you are researching. Where Primary research might get limited information as this researcher has to turn all the raw data into information which is time-consuming, that is the reason primary research has limited information and secondary research has vast information. 

  • Limited Availability of Some Data 

While researching for secondary research, many times a situation comes where you have limitations over some data that is useful as some of the data requires a subscription or permissions to provide you access to the information. Most of the time this happens with the government official data you seek, it may require some kind of permission, or maybe the data is not for public use, in such cases, you need permission from high officials to get that information. Always you need permission to publish your dissertation in the UK. In some cases where we seek required information from the online website, they might ask you to pay the subscription to avail the information.  

  • Compare Multiple Sources

In secondary research, we have the advantage of comparing multiple resources, as there is a variety of information available while researching using Secondary research, which gives an option of comparing the variety of data that they have and finding the best suitable data or information for their research. That also gives an opportunity to look out for the best and most up-to-date information for the researched topic. In that case, you do not need to put the extra effort, and you can enjoy your vacation by visiting the best places in the UK.

  • Limited in-Depth Analysis

Secondary research is limited to in-depth analysis of the information that must be used for research. Although secondary research provides background information related to your research, still it lacks in-depth information in some fields, as some of the fields are not discovered in-depth which results in false or incomplete information required for the research. The topics that are widely searched and are in trend, might still have in-depth information but for the topics that are not that common, secondary research can’t be considered valuable.  

  • Verified data or Information 

 When taking data from Government databases or News Published articles it gives you an advantage of having verified and accurate data and information on your research topic. As these are the official sites and are considered to be the most verified and trusted websites, researching from here will ensure the quality of the information you will have. In the UK, there are so many students who opt for Dissertation Writing Services in the UK for the quality of research. 

  • Poor Quality of information  

One of the biggest disadvantages of secondary research is to consider the quality of information that you receive from someone else’s research on that topic, The quality of information or data is just like gambling, it may be good but it can also be not that good of quality of information. There are chances that the person whose research are you using might have not researched properly and might have provided false information just to seek the attention of other users, which results in a complete of fail of the research you are conducting. 


Secondary research is one of the two types of research that is used while researching a field or on a topic. Secondary research provides with variety of advantages and disadvantages, as discussed in this article the advantages of secondary research include the value of money, time effectiveness, the Opportunity to get vast information, comparing the multiple sources that are found while doing secondary research, and getting verified data/information. Secondary research provides all these advantages to the one who using secondary for their research but it’s not that it comes only comes advantages, it has its own disadvantages as well, as secondary research can’t be completely trusted. Disadvantages of secondary research include lack of specification, outdated information, poor quality of information, limited quality of data, and Limited in-depth analysis. 


Here are the most asked questions on Google.

Ans. The one thing that completely describes secondary research, is using the data or information, for research that is already been published by others. UK-based experts mostly use secondary research to provide academic thesis and essay writing services.

Ans. Official Government reports or datasets, industry-published articles, databases that are available online, and even academic journals. 

Ans. Methods that must make sure the data is of high quality require checking on the credibility of the information, originality of the information that is been used in the research, and relevance of data in reference to the topic of the research.

Ans. Consider using secondary research when the budget and timeline of the research is limited, also you must opt for secondary research when the topic or field of research is common and not that unique and different.  

Ans. The answer to this question, neither primary research nor primary research can replace the other one, as both of their own importance, the disadvantages of secondary research can be solved in primary research and the disadvantages of primary research can be solved by using secondary research. So, for perfect research, one would require both types of research. 

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