OMED 1414 Contemporary Topics in Global Health Assignment, University of Greenwich, UK

Published: 04 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Nursing
University University of Greenwich Module Title OMED 1414 Contemporary Topics in Global Health

1  Formative Assessments

You will have the opportunity to submit a 500 (+/- 10%)-word essay identifying key global public health problems and justifying the urgent call for action, and highlighting key policy and programme responses from one of the low- middle-income countries. You can talk critically with credible sources (at least five and above papers) and highlight the key government interventions to combat the issues/gaps. The formative essay should be submitted via Turnitin before 11.30 pm. The essay must have a very clear title with appropriate sub-headings, including in-text citations and references. Group feedback will be provided in the week 7 session, and individual indicative feedback will be received within 15 working days of the submission, which should enable you to develop and inform your input towards the summative assessments.

 Formative Group Presentation

All students will be equally divided into groups and upload the group lists to the Moodle page within the second week of the session. First, each group should meet, discuss, and identify one of the global public health issues/gaps from one of the LMICs, summarise current statistics—incidence/prevalence, proportions of the burdens—with appropriate figures/graphs, justify the urgent call for action, and critically examine current gaps, interventions, or initiatives to address the gaps. Each presentation should provide pragmatic suggestions to address the gaps or challenges, and which country can use the recommendation to address the burdens. Each group will present for 15 minutes, followed by QsAs from class participants. The group is responsible for organising the session and providing equal opportunity to present the session. All students should actively participate in the session and ask questions as well as suggestions for improvement. Group feedback will be provided during the presentation. The presentation slides should be submitted via Turnitin before 11.30 pm.

Summative Written Assignment

You will be asked to select one of the global health challenges addressed in the sessions, justifying the urgent call for action and highlighting key policy and programme responses in an LMIC. responses to address the gaps. Your essay should either cover the region (i.e., Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia) or one country-specific, and then critically evaluate policy initiatives, interventions, and responses that are organised at either the regional or national level. You are encouraged to select a specific setting to focus the policy initiatives and discussion. You are expected to draw upon critical perspectives addressed in the sessions, as well as those encountered from the assigned further readings. You will be assessed on the soundness of your arguments and the range of critical evidence you can use and make the essay, concisely, and coherently with credible sources. Students are required to write a 3000 (+-10%) word summative essay excluding references. See the detail structure of the assignment in Moodle page.

Details Guidelines for the Summative Essay Writing

Select one of the global public health challenges addressed in the session and critically evaluate public health responses that are organised at one of the Low- and Middle-Income countries (LMICs) national levels.

Section 1: Introduction and Background

Indicate why you have selected this specific topic and highlight either the disease burden or public health challenges it poses on the population. It is important to set the background for what you will be discussing at this stage. You can also link your essay with the SDG goals or any national and global as per your topic. You are encouraged to select one of the low- and middle-income country-specific settings because you need to find relevant materials pertaining to current burdens, policies, and interventions in these settings.

Section 2: Government Policies and Responses

Briefly discuss the key government policies and strategies outlined in your selected essay topic. The key policies and responses should be limited to your topic with an emphasis on current national health policy, national health sector strategy, and national plan, if applicable to your topic, and a summary of the important areas of attention in your topic. For example, how does Afghanistan's present national policy, strategies, and plan prioritise the strengthening of the nutrition program? Pay special attention to improving access, coverage, and quality, as well as reducing inequality and the country's overall malnutrition burden.

Section 3: Discussion of the Literature

Discuss what you have identified in your literature search on existing key gaps and issues on the chosen topic. This has to be evidence-based, in which you can look at the current empirical or policy-related literature of your country and critically explain the situation. You can provide real-life/case study examples of any policies, strategies, and interventions as stated above in practice; for example, how a national policy on nutrition support program in Afghanistan has been implemented, especially in improving the access, coverage, quality, and equity perspective and improving the overall nutrition indicators of the country.

Section 4: Analysis and Discussion

Analyse the extent to which the policies, strategies, and interventions discussed in the previous section should be critically analysed and highlight any relevant changes observed. Are there any identified barriers or facilitators to the successful implementation of these policy initiatives in addressing [your selected issues) of the country? Your arguments should highlight how to address the gaps and improve the access, coverage, quality, and equity and achieve the SDGs goals (in your selected programme indicators) of your country and strengthen the overall country of your selected health programme.

Section 5: Conclusion and Recommendations

Look at the overall picture and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the policies, strategies, and interventions that you have discussed in achieving the SDGs goals (in your selected topic) and strengthening the overall country's health system. Based on what we can learn from this, can you come up with recommendations for future new or continuing policies, strategies, and interventions to address the issues/gaps. So conclusion and recommendation should be very clear, with a pragmatic suggestion for addressing gaps


Use adequate and relevant both policy and empirical references and maintain the in-text citations. Your citation and reference lists should be formatted in Harvard style.

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